Mission Blog.
July 16, 2012
I have had a very
spiritual experience. When we first
arrived, and at our second GML (ward missionary council meeting) We were asked to introduce ourselves by
telling about our first mission. Elder
Storrer told about his first mission and then they said to me in English,
“Sister Storrer, tell us about your first mission.”
I thought, now I never
went on a mission when I was young. And
then the thought came to me that yes I did, I had chosen to be a mother. But I did not have vocabulary enough to tell
it. I was told that most understood
English and I could speak it in English.
So I began. “As a mother of ten
children my mission was to teach them to love the Lord and want to serve
him. The spirit just took over and I
bore my testimony about reading the Book of Mormon as a family daily and how I
know it is why all of our children are active in the church and married to wonderful
spouses who also love the Lord and want the same for their children.
Brother Schubert, the
ex mission president to Berlin and also
a professional translator, (which I did not know at the time,) asked me to
please write that up and give me a copy.”
This I did. Several weeks later
he gave it back to me and when I thanked him for it, he told me that I needed
to talk about that sometime.
So here we are 5 ½
months later. It had been nagging me
that I needed to bear my testimony using
that. Well it was longer than any
testimony I have given here, so I thought maybe I would rewrite it. I went to get it out of the drawer and could
not find it. So now I figured I really
had an excuse not to use it. I opened
the internet to Babylon translator and also word and began to write it. Now the second is seldom as good as the
first, but I thought I would have Norm proof it as Babylon is not perfect,
expecially when they can only translate and miss the spirit of it. Also the word for sealed is locked, so they miss
LDS religious translations as well. That
was Monday the 9th.
Wednesday the 10th
in the evening a call came. I knew
it was Bruder Martinz, the excutive Secretary to the Bishop. Because E. Storrer
had acknowledged him. The conversation
was in English, so I knew immediately that he had asked if I would speak, and
they would have some one translate for me.
I told E. Storrer, that I had prepared a talk and it was in German. This he relayed. Well B. Martinz said that he would have to
clear the subject with the Bishop. E.
Storrer asked him what the subject was, and it was perfect. As it was about teaching our children to
understand the gospel.
We immediately went to
work. In the end I went back to the
drawer and found the first, right on top where I had put it. I would combine items from the two testimonies
and add some quotes.
We would revise that
talk about 6-7 times as it was done carefully and prayerfully. Then I would read it over and over for word
pronunciation. I would also compare it
to the English that was written first, and continually changed. With each
revision, it was almost like starting over.
Each change, each addition had to be learned the same way. I knew I could never just give it, but it
would have to be read. I also knew they would
forgive me. But I also knew that I had
to have the right intonations and
pauses, and able to let them know I knew what I was talking about. I also know that I can slaughter the German
with thick English pronunciation. So I
took it several times to the Lord. I
only asked him that if it was what he wanted me to say that he help me by
loosening my tongue. I told him it did
not have to be perfect, but understood so that they could grasp the message.
I also knew that I had
to work hard and be as prepared as I could be so that the Lord knew the intent
of my heart and would help me. So I
arrive at church, with no other accompanist for either Relief Society, or
Sacrament Meeting, including practicing before church with the choir. Now having to sight read German hymns at the
last minute is not easy. I had practiced
the choral number, but went through the four songs the congregation would be
singing and one was in German. I saw a
very full plate, but it did help me take my mind off of the talk.
When I stood to speak
I began to stumble over the German and so a prayer went quickly through my
mind. By the second paragraph it was all familiar to me, and flowed rather
smoothly. I had to concentrate very hard
on what I was saying Then as the spirit
took over tears started to flow down my cheeks and I had to stop several
seconds gather my courage and strength.
I knew that tears would blur what I was reading.
As we talked about it,
prayed about it and kept reworking it, suddenly Elder Storrer said “I feel strongly
that this may be the most important thing we do while on our mission. It is true.
As we have studied the rolls of the church, I have had such strong
feelings. As we study our YSA lists for
both wards, I have been disturbed. We
have over 65 JAE age and only 8-9 average in attendance to institute. Granted some of those invited to institute
are married, and raising families and also very active in church. Some live so far away and the church is clear
across town from the Bahnhoff making it possibly a bus ride, a train ride, and
two more bus rides to get to church. Some
of them live far enough away that attending church regularly is almost an
impossibility, especially in the winter when they are snowed in, in mountain
villages. These kids attend all of the
Taglungs. But many of them, especially
the young men are not active, and the rolls indicate that most were only
deacons or priests or no priesthood at all.
Interestingly many are from active parents. In one family the younger brother was a teacher
while the older brother held no priesthood.
I asked myself why. Each time it
would come to me how Bruder Schubert asked me to give my testimony and
experience of teaching our children by daily reading of the Book of Mormon. The spirit had been working on me for several
months, until it was too strong to quit the procrastination.
This was not my talk.
It was the Lord’s talk. I was only the
messenger. I felt like Moses and Enoch
when they told the Lord that they were slow in speech. It was very humbling knowing that I speak
very little German, haltingly and turning to Elder Storrer for vocabulary
words—even of words I know but can never remember. Yet Elder Storrer told me that I only messed
up on the pronunciation of two words, and he understood it all. The missionaries assured me that they could
understand it very well. Sister Roth
asked me if she could take my talk to reread, and promised to bring it back the
next Sunday. I had thought that maybe
she didn’t understand it, so was a little worried, until Norm reminded me that
the Lord always keeps his promise.
(Which was in my talk.) Satan
will always have us doubt, if he can. So
I pray that it helped at least one family.
For my posterity here
is the English version of what I gave:
If we are building a house we
use a plan. Without using the plan and
proper tools our house could not be built.
Heavenly Father has given us a wonderful plan for our house and he has
given us the tools to build it. The two
most important tools are Scripture and prayer.
Today our
children need to
understand the scriptures. They need to be spiritually converted while
young. It will happen in the homes where
scripture study and prayer is a daily habit.
In last April Conference Sister
Cheryl of the Primary General Presidency said, “This divine privilege of
raising our children is a much greater responsibility than we can do alone,
without the Lord’s help. She also said, “Teaching our children to understand is
more than just imparting information.
It’s helping our children get the doctrine into their hearts.
The mother is the
spiritual guide in the home. She plans Family Home Evening, insists on daily
Scripture study and insists on family prayer, when father is not available or does
not do it.
I have a testimony of the power
of the Book of Mormon, in raising children.
Joseph Smith said, “I told the brethren that if they keep its precepts,
they will come closer to God than by any other way”.
My mission was to raise 10
children to love the Lord and want to serve him. As an LDS mother my goal was to raise all my
sons so that they would desire to serve missions. All six sons and one daughter chose to serve
a mission for their Heavenly Father.
In 1974 my mother called
me. While visiting the Idaho Falls
Temple with President Spencer W. Kimball, Marion G. Romney gave a promise that
if we read the Book of Mormon to our children daily, they would be obedient.
As a young mother with 7 children
who were typical I wanted them to be
obedient. And so we started reading the
Book of Mormon every day. Sometimes it
was hard. Sometimes we would
forget. But we continued to get better
about it and it became a habit.
In the April conference of 1986
President Ezra Taft Benson reaffirmed the promise of Marion G. Romney.
In our home prayer was a very vital part of our lives. This included Priesthood blessings. It was so common that our 3 year old son,
concerned that his father was ill, placed his hands upon his head and attempted
to do for his father what his father had done many times for him.
Their father loved the Lord and
during every evening meal he would lead discussions about the Gospel of Christ
and teach our children as we ate. We taught them to love one another and to
love other people. We taught them that
this was one of the most important things they could do. On his first day of preschool, our youngest
son was skipping along beside me. He
kept saying, “I hope they will like me.
Oh, I hope they will like me.”
I told him, “Degen if you are
always kind to people they will always like you.”
When our third son was sixteen,
he wanted to rebel. He decided that he
would no longer read scriptures or attend family prayer. So his father went to him. He shared the family daily scriptures with
him and then knelt beside him to pray.
His brother reported that he always prayed before bedtime. I guess his father made it too hard for him
to rebel. Today this son is sealed in
the temple to a wonderful woman. He sees
that his children study the Book of Mormon daily, because he has a testimony of
We have ten children. 7 Served missions. All ten are married in the temple and trying
to teach our grandchildren with daily family prayer and scripture study. I believe the promises made by the servants
of the Lord. We need a very strong generation of children to withstand the worldly
temptations that lead us away from God.
In D&C it tells us, “to stand in Holy Places and be not moved until
the Savior comes.”
Daily prayer and studying the
scriptures helps us stand in that Holy Place, our homes, which fulfills the
Saviors’ promise.
Yes, I am happy that all of my
children are faithful. But I bear you
this testimony because we are being sent god’s most valiant spirits There is a
way that they will resist the world’s temptations. Our prophets are always telling us to pray
daily and study our scriptures daily as a family. This is the most powerful tool we have to
influence our children to love the Lord and stay close to him.
Today when family get
together the talk always turns to discussing the gospel. We are always excited to share a recent
discovered scripture to learn and strengthen each other. This is not just our children but also our
sons and daughters-in-law. It has become
a tradition in our family. And we have
noticed the same tradition with some of the families here in Salzburg. Wouldn’t it be wonderful if this became the
tradition that all Salzburger families were famous for. How that would strengthen God’s kingdom in
Bruce D. Porter of the
council of Seventies
” Those who honor the calling of
righteous parenthood will find their souls refined, their hearts purified, and
their minds enlightened by the most important lessons of life.”
I say this in the Name of Jesus
Christ. Amen
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