Friday, November 30, 2012

Mission Blog, 2012-12-01
Will this by our last Christmas?  It is sad to read the news from here and see what is happening to our beloved United States of America.  A number of years ago I was reading in Heleman and 3 Nephi about the time of the Savior’s birth when the wicked announced that unless the Savior came that night the believers would all be slain.  It came over me that would be repeated in our time.
Only wickedness would get above us if the people were wicked.  In 2004 I was watching the Democratic Convention when a young Illinois Senator was introduced as their key note speaker.  What I heard was frightening,  I had the distinct warning that standing at that podium was another Korihor with a very glib tongue.  I called Norm in California and told him that I had just witnessed the most frightening thing.  Heaven help us if this man ran for President of the United States.  Four years later it happened.  I read all I could research out on him and found out that he was indeed a follower of Alinsky, who lived in Chicago and wrote communistic propaganda.  I opened his writings which began with a visit by  someone who dared defy God and in doing so was able to establish his own Kingdom.  Well we know who that is.  Then the second thing was that the middle class has to be destroyed.  We are seeing that one happen.
Elder Storrer was curious about the Rothchilds who it is said owns over half of the wealth of the world.  He did some research on them and found that it is probably true.  He found how they have literally stolen the money of the world with Governments’ blessings, by establishing Central Banks where they collect all the interest.  John Kennedy wanted to do away with the “Federal Reserve”  (which is now called the “Central Bank”, )and establish our own bank with no interest, shortly before he was assassinated.
It also pointed out Abraham Lincoln had wanted to close the banks and establish as well an interest free bank.  Then Norm also read that the Rothchilds claim that they were told by Satan that he is the God of the World and “ that they visit with him on a regular basis.  I think we have unearthed the “AntiChrist.”  They are proud of this fact.  They claim that they have financed many wars and proud of all the slaughters.
America was promised that it would survive only if it worshipped Jesus Christ.  Now we are reading about all the attacks on Jesus Christ and those who worship him.  California is literally passing wicked laws, that are to force people into wickedness.  The teachings in the schools are to destroy the righteousness of the children.
America is more wicked than any other country, when it comes to destroying peoples lives both physically and spiritually.  Does not that fulfill prophecy?  It is amazing how closely we can follow exactly what is happening in the prophecies of the scriptures, both Bible, Book of Mormon, Doctrine and Covenants and the prophecies of Orson Pratt, who was commanded by God to prophecy in the D & C, at the tender age of 19.
The only choice we have is to follow the commandments of God.  There is one tool missing in Satan’s arsenal and that is Love.  The Savior was very specific that it is the greatest commandment.  Satan desires our souls and President Packer some years ago warned us to be very careful of righteous indignation.  If Satan can stir us up to anger because of the horrible wickedness of those who rule over us he will destroy us as well.  We cannot afford to have any hate in our hearts.  That is going to be a very difficult thing to do, unless we call upon God in the name of Jesus Christ to overcome these feelings.  And it must be unceasingly. 
Our latter day prophets have given us the key to this by admonishing us to study our scriptures with unceasing prayer, daily.
Last Thursday the Roth’s were back from America, and Gerald Roth, released as Mission President to Bulgaria is their Institute instructor.  He is awesome.  No I understood very little, but Norm told me what he basically said, that impressed him.  (I can read the manuals in English to know the subject matter.  I just wish I could understand the important points he brings out.)  One of the things he challenged our young adults with is making a habit of reading the scriptures daily.  Only one of the JAE there at the time could admit to reading and studying the scriptures daily.  Brüder Roth told them, “I promise you if you do not prayerfully study the scriptures daily you will apostatize.  Sister Roth, a very smart woman says, “I don’t know if you should say that.”  His quick response was, “Yes I should say this.”  I think Elder Storrer said that he repeated it again.  You could feel the spirit in that room as he taught.
He probably has been the best teacher we have seen, and we have had quite a number of substitutes, including Achim Erlacher, who works for the church in the Area as the Instituted Director.
The Roth’s and Erwin his brother are very aware of what is happening in America.  There are members here who follow the propaganda and are shocked that the Saints in America are so conservative, but these two brothers, really keep themselves abreast of what is happening.  They are great men with a wonderful and spiritual mother, and they know what it takes to keep a testimony.
I know that what Gerald Roth told those YSA is very true.  May our children take heed, that it is so important that the home be the first and strongest learning of our grandchildren. 
We must pray unceasingly and practice unceasingly Love or Charity.  As Moroni 7: 44-48 tells us about Charity.  “All else fails………..but Charity never faileth.”  The brethren are talking a lot about it.  It is the only tool that can defeat Satan.  “Stand ye in Holy Places, and be not moved, until the Savior com

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