Visiting Scwester Elfrieda Thibaut, we would go to Burghausen Germany through Austria. We crossed the Salzach River from one country to the next, passing a Grenze in the middle of the bridge indicating the boundary change. This is the second time, as this stupid computer bounces around if one touches anywhere but the keys, and I really don't want to purchase a german keyboard as it is different from ours and rather difficult to use. Wish, I had brought mine.
Before one crosses the river we have a view of the longest castle in Europe. It was built to protect the salt mined south of Salzburg and shipped up river. It was the gold of the day. So here are pictures of the castle.
One can drive around the end turret and then follow the wall for quite a way. But even across the river, the modern buildings hide some of the wall.

You can actually see some of the city wall as we were driving further south before crossing the river again. It is amazing how many of these towns have parts of ancient city walls still standing. They aren't actually maintained either.
Tschus until the next blog
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